Smarter Traffic Solutions Through Data and Innovation
Comprehensive Traffic Services
Traffic Engineering & Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Active Traffic Management (ATM) Systems & Tools
Transportation System Design with CADD Packages
Transportation Management Plans (TMPs) & Smart Work Zone Systems
Computerized Traffic Signal Systems
Traffic Data Analytics Using Tableau
Use of Traffic Analysis Tools: HCS, Synchro, Vissim, MOVES-Matrix
Community Partnering & Facilitation
Stakeholder Outreach & Engagement Strategies
Traffic Projects
DelDOT Agreement 1914F, TOMP and Data Tasks, Transportation Management Program Planning & Engineering Support, Statewide, DE
Rossi Group currently supports DelDOT as the prime consultant for Agreement 1914F. Rossi Group supports a variety of efforts that coordinate across DelDOT sections to optimize current and future opportunities with DelDOT’s vast transportation data. Our contributions...
PennDOT Agreement E04916 US 1 ITS Improvements (Media Bypass), Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Rossi Group is PennDOT in implementing ITS in the US 1 corridor in Delaware County with intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to achieve federal congestion and air quality goals by improving traffic flow for the corridor. The air quality project goals are to help...
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Prince William County Safe Routes to School Gap Analysis
Rossi Group conducted a comprehensive Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Gap Analysis for Prince William County, Virginia, focusing on pedestrian and bike gaps within the Small Area Plan (SAP) areas of Gainesville/Route 29, North Woodbridge, and Yorkshire. This project...
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration Travel Forecasting and Analysis Division Traffic Engineering Support
Rossi Group provides comprehensive traffic engineering support to the Travel Forecasting and Analysis Division (TFAD) of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering. Our statewide...