Bay Crossing Study Tier 2 NEPA (Pre-NOI Support), Anne Arundel & Queen Anne’s Counties, MD

Environmental Sustainability Project
Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study Logo and Image of Bay Bridge

Rossi Group is supporting the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transportation Authority (MDOT MDTA) with public involvement and environmental documentation for the Chesapeake Bay Crossing Tier 2 Study.

Public involvement - Rossi Group has coordinated mailing lists, identified community stakeholder and engagement opportunities, supported more than 50 events, including staffing Open Houses and managing meeting logistics, and tracked and responded to public comments throughout the Tier 2 Study. 

NEPA and Environmental Documentation - Rossi Group provided technical support in developing the NOI report the Equity and Environmental Justice Technical Report. Rossi Group is the lead author responsible for the development of the Socioeconomic and Land Use Technical Report.