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Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Prince William County Safe Routes to School Gap Analysis 

Rossi Group developed a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Gap Analysis for Prince William County, Virginia with a focus on identifying pedestrian and bike gaps using aerial and GIS data within the Small Area Plan (SAP) areas of Gainesville/Route 29, North Woodbridge, and Yorkshire. This effort included close coordination with the Prince William County Department of Transportation, Planning Office, and Public Schools.


This analysis used priority features as provided by the County to define criteria for the quantitative identification of priority routes for future SRTS projects within the analysis areas. Gaps were evaluated against the criteria to identify priority routes and develop recommendations for next steps, including improvements.


Based on the priority route analysis, we developed recommendations for future improvements and further evaluation within each SAP along 

Yorkshire Elementary_image for marketing

with cost estimates, designed to inform future funding needs. Nearly 74,500 linear feet of sidewalk gaps were identified through this process, of which approximately 38,500 linear feet were identified as priority routes.

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